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How to Keep Your Horse’s Stable Clean

How to Keep Your Horse’s Stable Clean

One of the responsibilities of owning a horse is keeping its stable clean. That may seem like a daunting task, but following these tips can make things a little easier for you.  Stick to a Schedule First of all, you should be sticking to a regular cleaning schedule....
Tips on Keeping Your Horse in Top Shape

Tips on Keeping Your Horse in Top Shape

If you want your horse to perform well or participate in athletics, it is crucial to work on its fitness. Keeping your horse in top shape ensures you can ride for longer before the horse experiences heavy breathing and sweating. Following a suitable fitness, the...
Cleaning Your Saddle

Cleaning Your Saddle

Riding a horse is a naturally dirty task down to the saddle. The saddle is not required to remain dirty forever. It is surprisingly durable and lasts even longer when it is maintained regularly. There are solutions available to clean and care for any saddle. Compile...
Tips for Buying a Used Horse Trailer

Tips for Buying a Used Horse Trailer

The average price for a new horse trailer varies widely. At the low end, you might pay $4,000. That can go all the way up to $50,000 and beyond. That’s for the most common slant load horse trailer with either a gooseneck or bumper pull. They can handle two to four...
Swimming Your Horse

Swimming Your Horse

When you think of animals in the water, a horse is not the first to come to mind. However, if introduced to the water properly, horses have a great time swimming! The Horse Fact Book notes that their legs move in a trotting motion to swim, so it is not only fun but a...