by Lacy Hawkins | Aug 27, 2021
Besides riding, owners can engage in other activities with their horses. Staying on the ground with the horse gives the animal a chance to get to know the owner by sniffing (of course!) their clothes and body, familiarizing itself with the owner’s size,...
by Lacy Hawkins | Aug 17, 2021
One of the best parts about getting a new horse is regularly taking them for rides. However, most horses should not be ridden daily. Instead, it can be a good idea to give them a break now and then. How often should horses be ridden? This will depend on many factors....
by Lacy Hawkins | Aug 10, 2021
For our equine friends, overheating can mean much more than discomfort. It can mean death. Unfortunately, due to inadequate care, far too many innocent horses lose their lives to heatstroke annually. A horse’s average body temperature can lie...
by Lacy Hawkins | Aug 5, 2021
If you love to spend time outdoors, then there is no better place for you than Colorado. The majestic beauty of the state makes it challenging for any other place in the country to beat. Whether you enjoy spending your adventures on the water, in the forest, or on a...
by Lacy Hawkins | Jul 29, 2021
As prey animals, horses are keenly aware of their environments and feeling-oriented in their actions. For horses, emotions are information. Their survival depends upon monitoring their surroundings closely and being in continual communication with other members of...