How to Keep Your Horse’s Stable Clean

How to Keep Your Horse’s Stable Clean

One of the responsibilities of owning a horse is keeping its stable clean. That may seem like a daunting task, but following these tips can make things a little easier for you.  Stick to a Schedule First of all, you should be sticking to a regular cleaning schedule....
Tips on Keeping Your Horse in Top Shape

Tips on Keeping Your Horse in Top Shape

If you want your horse to perform well or participate in athletics, it is crucial to work on its fitness. Keeping your horse in top shape ensures you can ride for longer before the horse experiences heavy breathing and sweating. Following a suitable fitness, the...
Breaking in a Green Horse

Breaking in a Green Horse

Breaking a horse is a highly involved but necessary process if you want to ride and command your horse. You can break a horse the gentle way or the hard way, but the latter tends to lead to future disciplinary problems. Breaking a horse gently involves creating a bond...
What to Consider When Buying a Horse

What to Consider When Buying a Horse

It is not uncommon for people to purchase horses that are not right for them. Then, in frustration or after an injury, they sell their horses, missing the enjoyment they could have had. Sometimes, despite their love of horses and riding, some riders are not cut out...
Life Skills Learned From Horse Riding

Life Skills Learned From Horse Riding

Horseback riding is not likely to be the first activity you would think of that gives you valuable life skills. However, learning how to ride and take care of a horse can prepare you for many situations in life, and it can help your demeanor in difficult situations....