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The Origin of Western Horse Riding

The Origin of Western Horse Riding

Western-style horse riding is a style that is primarily used in the western part of the US. It is easily recognized as the cowboy or rancher style of riding that has little to no similarity with the English style of riding. However, western-style riding has not always...
Best Ways to Learn about Western-Style Horse Riding

Best Ways to Learn about Western-Style Horse Riding

When getting started with Western-style horse riding, it can be tough to figure out where exactly to start learning. There are tons of resources available to you, but not all of them are equal when it comes to quality content. Today, I’ll round up a few of the best...
Western vs. English Horse Riding

Western vs. English Horse Riding

When it comes to horse riding, there are two main styles: Western and English. Many who are new to horsing riding may be confused as to why two different styles exist and what differentiates the two. These styles affect everything involved with riding, from the...
Types of Western Bits

Types of Western Bits

When getting your first horse, you may have stumbled upon a list of equipment, or tack, that you need to raise your horse properly. Bits are one necessary component of tacks, as they work in conjunction with a bridle and reins to control a horse’s mouth. Bits...
Spotlight: Western Riding Horses Part 2

Spotlight: Western Riding Horses Part 2

Recently, I posted an article where I talked about western-style riding horse breeds and their characteristics. However, there were so many breeds to choose from that I decided to write a second part and give more time to some more great horses. Today, we’ll look at a...