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Grooming is one of the necessary tasks associated with owning a horse. Along with providing a one-on-one bonding experience, regular grooming is essential for the health and well-being of the animal. During the grooming process, owners have the opportunity to observe any skin issues that might have developed and provide treatment before the problem worsens. The attention given to the animal also has a calming effect, which is beneficial before a ride or workout. Grooming frequency depends on how often owners are able to interact with their horses. 

Necessary Equipment
Secure the horse to a post or appropriate location using a slip knot in the lead line. 

Hoof pick
The pick removes debris from each of the horse’s hooves that often become compacted. Without regular cleaning, the horse may experience bruising or develop an infection from the microbes harbored in mud, feces, and other contaminants. A small, rounded hoof brush may also be used to remove debris after loosening with the pick. Cleaning the hooves should be the first step in the grooming process. 

Leaning into the horse as you grab a foot is a common cue many owners use to begin hoof care. After cleaning the hooves, apply hoof oil, gel, or a similar product to keep the tissues supple and strong. 

Curry comb
The grooming tool has short v-shaped teeth made of metal, plastic, or rubber attached to a handle. The comb is applied in a circular motion to loosen dirt and debris, or winter coat shed in the sprint. The comb might also be used in short strokes in the direction of hair growth.

The teeth are also used to remove hair and debris from the brushes. 

Stiff brush
The brushes have synthetic or natural bristles to brush the horse’s torso after using the curry comb. 

Soft brush
The soft synthetic or natural bristles of the brush provide a soothing sensation using long strokes while helping remove large particles and oils from the coat. The brush may be used on the legs and face. 

Mane comb
The wide-toothed combs are used to groom the mane and tail. However, both areas should initially be combed with the fingers to remove tangles and debris. Brushes may also be used on the mane. 

Fly spray
Products made using natural pyrethrins are commonly applied to the animal’s legs and body during the spring and summer months when flies or other insects pose a problem.