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Tips on Keeping Your Horse in Top Shape

Tips on Keeping Your Horse in Top Shape

If you want your horse to perform well or participate in athletics, it is crucial to work on its fitness. Keeping your horse in top shape ensures you can ride for longer before the horse experiences heavy breathing and sweating. Following a suitable fitness, the...
Deworming your horse

Deworming your horse

Making sure that your horse is dewormed correctly is essential to its overall health and for preventing diseases that result from severe parasitic infection. While the conventional wisdom is to deworm horses every 6-8 weeks, the understanding of the veterinary...
Healthy Treats for Your Horse

Healthy Treats for Your Horse

Horses tend to eat the same things daily, so an exciting treat can add some enrichment to their day. However, there are a few things that are important to know before feeding a horse a treat:   What treats are healthy for horses? According to the Tufts Cummings...