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Working with horses is a dream for many people across the country. If you own a large piece of land, you may have considered opening boarding stables for horses. Although this concept may work in theory, in reality, you need to have a particular skill set in order to be successful as a stable owner and operator. The following skills are just a small list of requirements, so be sure you possess all of them before opening a stable.

Horse Knowledge

The first skill that is essential for any boarding stable owner is knowledge of horses. You should know the kind of care horses need, as well as being able to recognize the signs of a horse falling ill. Although you could start a self-care boarding stable, chances are that you are interested in a partial-care or full-care establishment. In this case, you should know the basics, like how much each horse needs to eat, whether it takes medications, and how to give them enough exercise. If you are not confident in the basics of caring for a horse, you should brush up on this skill until you know without a doubt that horses would be in good hands with you.

Business Sense

Running stables is like running any business. You’ll have expenses that need to be paid out, and you have to collect payment from your customers. Additionally, you might employ some people if you have a large enough operation. You should either hire an accountant or stay diligent with your bookkeeping. Be sure to understand the many hats you will have to wear as a business owner, and if you struggle in any particular areas, either hire someone to help or find processes that will work for you.

Marketing Know-How

Just like any other company, you should learn how to market your service effectively. After all, word-of-mouth marketing can only take you so far. Learn how to run social media, put ads up for your business online, and look at other avenues you can pursue to get your name out there. It can also be helpful to formulate a brand for your stables that sets you apart from your competitors, particularly in saturated markets.

Physical Fitness

Finally, while not exactly a skill, it is necessary to have good physical fitness if you are doing any hands-on work at your stables. Feeding, cleaning, and otherwise caring for horses is a physically demanding task. If you are not fit enough, you should look into hiring people to do this work for you. However, this may not be feasible for a new stable with no income, so be sure to consider what needs to be done on the first day and make sure you are prepared to take on that work.

Starting horse boarding stables is a great option if you love horses and have a sizable property with which to house them. If you are interested in pursuing this kind of business, make sure you have all of the necessary skills to be successful.