One of the responsibilities of owning a horse is keeping its stable clean. That may seem like a daunting task, but following these tips can make things a little easier for you.
Stick to a Schedule
First of all, you should be sticking to a regular cleaning schedule. This means scrubbing everything down regularly and making sure your stable is relatively clear of dirt and dust. The more your horse is stabled, the more often you need to clean.
Start from the Bottom
When you clean your stable, it’s best to start from the ground up. Lift up any rubber matting that you have on the floor and scrub it with a stiff brush and plenty of water and disinfectant. After that, you can give the same attention to the walls and doors. Sweep any extra debris from the floor, and place the now-clean rubber mats back where they were before. A pressure washer is also helpful if your walls and floor are particularly dirty.
Replace Old Bedding
Old bedding should also be stripped out and replaced when you clean your stable. You can use less bedding if you have rubber mats on the floor, but anything you use should be fresh.
Clean Your Bowls
When you clean your horse’s stable, don’t forget about the water and food bowls. Clean them thoroughly, and throw away any old food that is left behind.
Clean Your Equipment
Any riding equipment that you use should be thoroughly cleaned. If it’s something that you’ll only use seasonally, clean it thoroughly and store it safely until it is needed again.
Make Necessary Repairs
Even if you stick to a regular cleaning schedule and keep your stable in good shape, you’ll still find things that need to be repaired. Fix or replace anything that is damaged yourself if you can. If you can’t fix something, make a note of it and find someone who can make the repairs as soon as you can.
Check Your Feed Rooms
Finally, keep a close eye on your feed rooms. Food obviously doesn’t last forever, so throw away anything that has been spoiled. If you think you have rodents or other pests that are damaging your feed, find a pest control service to take care of it as soon as you can and move your feed to a safer location.