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Top Horse Trails on the West Coast

Top Horse Trails on the West Coast

People often enjoy vacations that include various activities. For instance, viewing Nature while engaging in another activity is a double pleasure. Horseback riding in various parts of the country and different environments is one of these doubly-pleasurable...
Myths on Taking Care of a Horse

Myths on Taking Care of a Horse

Caring for a horse is extremely rewarding. The task is also an ongoing learning experience. It is not unusual for novice equine owners to hear various horse husbandry myths relayed by old-timers that have been dispelled or debunked for decades. Learning about some of...
Keeping Your Horse Protected During Winter Months

Keeping Your Horse Protected During Winter Months

Caring for a horse does not include neglecting one’s duties during the winter. While the horse may stay indoors more, the weather conditions will worsen outside. Every horse needs many weeks of care and maintenance to stay healthy. Supply more water A caretaker...
Caring For Older Horses

Caring For Older Horses

Unlike people, horses’ health depends upon what they eat and the care and exercise they receive. Studies show that there are several key factors that have increased horses’ healthy lifespans that allow them to remain productive and content as they grow...
Cleaning Your Saddle

Cleaning Your Saddle

Riding a horse is a naturally dirty task down to the saddle. The saddle is not required to remain dirty forever. It is surprisingly durable and lasts even longer when it is maintained regularly. There are solutions available to clean and care for any saddle. Compile...
Tips for Buying a Used Horse Trailer

Tips for Buying a Used Horse Trailer

The average price for a new horse trailer varies widely. At the low end, you might pay $4,000. That can go all the way up to $50,000 and beyond. That’s for the most common slant load horse trailer with either a gooseneck or bumper pull. They can handle two to four...